Upcoming virtual book tour

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The schedule for the upcoming virtual book tour

23/02/14 – Launch with Peter at Medievalists featuring a video spot with the author explaining why a book about Montfort and how it came to be written. http://medievalnews.blogspot.co.uk

24/02/14 – Author interview with Kasia, the keeper of Lesser Realm and everything you want to know about Henry the Young King. http://henrytheyoungking.blogspot.cz

25/02/14 – John Paul Davis, the author of The Gothic King: A Biography of Henry III, will post a guest article about how the Montfortian struggle was viewed by the chronicler ‘The Templar of Tyre’. http://theunknowntemplar.com

 26/02/14 – Rebecca’s The History Vault will post a guest article explaining how Montfort’s contribution to the development of Parliament was more than just summoning the burgesses in 1265. http://www.thehistoryvault.co.uk

 27/02/14 – Kathryn Warner, the author of Edward II: The Unconventional King, will post a guest article comparing Simon de Montfort and Thomas of Lancaster, together with a free copy giveaway http://edwardthesecond.blogspot.com

 28/02/14 – Sara Cockerill, the author of Eleanor of Castile: The Shadow Queen, will post a guest article on whether there might have ever been a King Simon. http://www.saracockerill.com

 01/03/14 – Montfortian scholar Kathleen Neal at Thirteenth Century England will finish off the tour with a few questions for the author. https://thirteenthcenturyengland.wordpress.com

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