14 May 1264 For all the savagery of the civil war, the strategy was about chipping away at the enemy’s […]
Tag: William de Valence
Henry resurgent, Simon goes into exile
1261 Henry’s basic grievance was that the barons had gone beyond the intentions of the Provisions. They had met and […]
More than all the thunder and lightning in the world
1258 Roger Bigod assured Henry he was not. They asked only for the removal of the aliens and establishment of […]
The third hour of the third day
1258 Henry urged Richard to accept the crown of Germany to avoid the appearance of weakness in the face of […]
Giving William a taste of his own medicine
1257 Simon was one of the commissioners appointed to deal with Alexander in Rome, but the mission, for reasons unknown, […]
The Lusignans come to England
1247 Isabella and Hugh were later embroiled in another plot against Louis, involving poison and cooks who talk a lot […]